Pennyweight's charming home in Nasville

14 ago 2013

No sé si todavía queda alguien en el mundo blogger que no conozca a Elise Joseph (aka Pennyweight). Lo que muchos de nosotros desconocíamos hasta ahora era el lugar en el que vivía y que nos ha mostrado estos días a través de Desig Sponge.

Es siempre un placer ver las casas que muestran en este blog y creo que lo que las hace más especiales es el hecho de que los dueños te cuenten de dónde han sacado cada uno de los tesoros que aparecen en sus casas... Lo cierto es que esto también es bastante peligroso y yo ya me he enamorado de estas toallas hechas en Turquía que aparecen en el baño de Pennyweight ;)

Pennyweight´s Apartment living room

Pennyweight´s Apartment west elm sofa and poster from Pennyweight Goods

Pennyweight´s Apartment wood bench in the entryway

Pennyweight´s Apartment white kitchen and rustic tile floor

Pennyweight´s Apartment white kitchen and rustic tile floor

Pennyweight´s Apartment white kitchen and rustic tile floor

Pennyweight´s Apartment standing floor fan

Pennyweight´s Apartment toddler desk as night stand and bull picture

Pennyweight´s Apartment mid-century dresser and antique mirror

Pennyweight´s Apartment colorful rug and wire armchair in the guest room

Pennyweight´s Apartment White bathroom and turkish towels

Pennyweight´s Apartment anthropologie hammock in the porch

I don't know if is still there anyone out there who doesn't know Elise Joseph (aka Pennyweight). What most of us didn't know was the place she lives in, but Design Sponge showed us last week her special home.

It's always a pleasure to watch over their homes and I think what make them more special is the fact that the owners tell us where they found all the treasures that fill their spaces... Obviously this is also very dangerous and I've already fallen in love with these Turkish towels that Pennyweight have in her bathroom ;)

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